Meadow Court
The regeneration of Meadow Court reuses a valuable brownfield site and creates a sense of place and community as well as homes in which people want to live. Twenty one apartments of social rented tenure are designed to meet the needs of the Harlow community.
The design carefully interleaves the 21 dual and triple aspect apartments onto a site that is dominated by over 10 mature oak trees, 4 of which are of considerable amenity value to the area and have been protected by tree preservation orders (TPO’s).
The trees conceal the three storey development from its two storey surroundings allowing it to be glimpsed through the tree canopies.
The design exploits the topography of the site by stepping the building down over the 3.5m change in level breaking down the bulk, scale and massing of the building whilst reflecting the scale of individual apartments. The top floor is set into the roof to reduce eaves and ridge heights.
The architectural style avoids superfluous embellishment to evoke a contemporary interpretation of the local vernacular of local agricultural buildings.
Harlow Civic Society wrote in support of the scheme as follows:
“We believe that the scheme designed by MEPK Architects has considerable merit. It will undoubtedly enhance the street scene locally and bring good design to an area of the town much in need of it…..we approve of the proposal and endorse this interesting scheme.”